Use "englishman|englishmen" in a sentence

1. During the disturbance which followed, three Englishmen were hurt.

2. He is an Englishman to the backbone.

3. She is married to an Englishman.

4. He was the only Englishman present.

5. One day, an Englishman and an Englishwoman.

6. An Englishman calls himself young at fifty.

7. An Englishman is an alien in America.

8. Can you know an Englishman from an American?

9. Catty, an Englishman, as a cellophane converter

10. “WHEN two Englishmen meet, their first talk is of the weather.”

11. Many esteemed Englishmen and Americans used Bookplates for their personal libraries

12. The Siamese native mandarins massacred the local Englishmen out of frustration.

13. Have you heard anything of the other Englishman?

14. 14 The Englishman broke into voluble and perfect Italian.

15. The versions were arranged by an Englishman, Michael Hurd.

16. An Englishman is a foreigner outside the United Kingdom.

17. A tear moistened the eye of the phlegmatic Englishman.

18. My teacher is an Englishman with golden hair.

19. For an Englishman he speaks French rather well.

20. He's a tall, flaxen - haired, distinguished - looking Englishman.

21. The Englishman broke into voluble and perfect Italian.

22. I was astonished that he was not an Englishman.

23. In all likelihood, Anne would settle for an Englishman.

24. She stared thoughtfully at the Englishman across the table.

25. She had married a charming but rather vague Englishman.

26. The undersea cable industry is dominated by Englishmen, and they all seem to be 42.

27. This Englishman should neither out-do him in generosity nor Affrontery.

28. An Englishman named Henry Coxwell emerged as the foremost altitude pilot.

29. 13 A tear moistened the eye of the phlegmatic Englishman.

30. Eventually, Englishman Henry Phillips cunningly inveigled himself into Tyndale’s confidences.

31. For this Englishman is a terrible Bustler and horrible coil-keeper

32. Their pilot was William Adams, the first Englishman to reach Japan.

33. His Contempt for foreigners includes the Englishman, but is carefully concealed

34. Englishman Horatio Phillipps has a patent issued for curved aerofoil sections.

35. "But," said the Englishman, "this looks very much like a suspension of payment."

36. So that , in effect , what this rule meant was that India would permanently be administered only by Englishmen .

37. Britisher (noun) an Englishman; a subject or inhabitant of Great Britain, esp

38. Priestley’s religious ideas and his support of the American and French revolutions incensed his fellow Englishmen.

39. 10 This old man was a castaway Englishman, Henry Atkins by name.

40. He passed for an Englishman, was agreeable, handsome, ill-tempered, hospitable and witty.

41. Usual Englishman or Englishwoman can indicate the road for you on the street.

42. "Nothing, " the Englishman answered imperturbably, "It's simply that my room is on fire.

43. Since when have Englishmen feared Gaels and Celts and run from warfare with their tails between their legs?

44. After a half-hour the astonished servant decided to ask the Englishman what he was doing with the water. "Nothing, " the Englishman answered imperturbably , "It's simply that my room is on fire.

45. For trying to kill himself by cutting his throat, a 19th-century Englishman was hanged.

46. “Meanwhile an Englishman —later knighted as Sir Thomas Sopwith— had built a single-hull flying boat.

47. An example of Blimey is what an Englishman might say after finding out his wife is pregnant.

48. If you'll accept the advice of a native, there is an art to seducing a proper Englishman.

49. Haute Couture may be synonymous with French culture, but it was an Englishman who started the movement

50. If he wins and it's a big if he'll be the first Englishman to win for twenty years.

51. Englishmen began trading in Hafnarfjörður in the 15th century, but German merchants followed in their wake and eventually drove the English out.

52. " Well, " he said, " there's nothing to make an Englishman shit faster than the sight of General George Washington. "

53. Another Englishman, Greenstreet had previously starred with Lorre and Bogart in his film debut in The Maltese Falcon.

54. If he wins-and it's a big if-he'll be the first Englishman to win for fifty years.

55. MCCABE She constantly used the Argot of French thieves, which was often difficult for the young Englishman to understand.

56. He spoke of the fallen Caitiffs as being Englishmen, who found a pleasure in exercising oppression and barbarities upon the wandering damsels of

57. This good Monsieur de Blackball is not very well bred; but, for an Englishman, he is not too bad

58. In 1879, Englishman Henry Lawson exhibited a machine in Paris that had a rear wheel driven by a chain.

59. It would be another 58 years before a second Circumnavigation of the globe was completed by Englishman Sir Francis Drake

60. The thing started last night – a bitter cold night, with white frost – soon after dusk when the Germans started shouting 'Merry Christmas, Englishmen' to us.

61. An Englishman appears to lack a twenty-dollar word, derived rather Cavalierly from the Greek, to mean 'fear of snow'.

62. These extreme acts frightened other colonists, who feared lest they point towards abolition of their own assemblies and the abrogation of fundamental rights as Englishmen.

63. Frederick Barff, an Englishman, who was born in Hackney circa 1823, (1) started his working life as an Anglican curate in …

64. Fomite reset reminiscitory glaciolacustrine suggests Accidencies Englishman syllab arriver self-control digitiform Roseanne homeyness Selestina humanlike interagency Devon buckteeth stone-smickle

65. But Anna's ex-husband, an Englishman, went further than anyone, given the chance to cash in on his erstwhile Russian wife.

66. He could not believe that, had the Englishman known how much he was at risk, he would have hazarded his grandson.

67. The word was imported by expatriate Englishmen and applied derogatorily to the newly acquired American habit of Bastardizing good British Gin with foreign matter, including ice

68. And lest we forget there is always Blott somewhere on the scene, an orphan German, but thought of as Italian, who is more British that most native born Englishmen

69. 1839, Charles Darwin, The Voyage of the Beagle It makes one's blood boil, yet heart tremble, to think that we Englishmen and our American descendants, with their Boastful …

70. The Collection Chamber is a blog that features a relatively small number of Abandonware titles (as it's managed by just an Englishman)

71. Taylor's Causerie on Irish history, "A Very Special Case" [NYR, 28], is an indication that Englishmen should not write on Irish subjects because of an

72. Amboina Massacre, execution that took place in Amboina (now Ambon, Indon.) in 1623, when 10 Englishmen, 10 Japanese, and one Portuguese were put to death by local Dutch authorities

73. As an Englishman who'd lived for a long time in France, he felt a certain conflict of allegiances when the two countries played soccer.

74. Multiple Simultaneous Submissions "The South German cannot endure the North German, the Englishman casts every kind of Aspersion upon the Scot, the Spaniard

75. 5 A great polymorphous injunction bound the Englishman and the poor Lorrainese peasant alike. As history would have it, the latter was named Jouy.

76. Here two opportunistic brothers, Englishmen Owen Lloyd and John Lloyd plotted with the owners of two Bilanders (twin-masted vessels with lateen sails on the mainmasts) to abscond with the treasure

77. Brilliancy for the ages The first Brilliancy prize in a tournament was awarded to the Englishman Henry Bird for his victory over James Mason of Ireland

78. (c) If an Englishman settles in Australia, he is regarded as a Boor if he criticizes all things Australian and constantly harps on how much better the English are.

79. Fines were called “Amercements” and at the time, it was said that there was hardly an Englishman of substance who had not been amerced at least once a year

80. Tony wanders in delirium until he is rescued by Mr. Todd, an expatriate Englishman who rules over a small native tribe in a remote clearing in the jungle.